Hi, I'm Uncle Joe


Hi, I'm Uncle Joe.

Welcome to... My Happy Valentines Day.

So this morning, unusually, I was working the drive thru window. More than a few customers and a couple of my fellow staff wondered what I was doing here. I have to say it is simple. I was not going to miss out on a holiday among my favorite people. And as I am sitting here waiting to help on the evening shift, I thought it would be a good time to let all of you know about this site.

So first, the Uncle Joe's McDonald's section has been opened up. I won't go into detail here, since I do over there. Suffice to say that you will find out about deals, get to learn about giving me a review, eventually meet my staff, report concerns and more. Follow the link and have a look around.

Besides that, if you read from a couple weeks ago, I am using Soupault to build this website. So I did some more work with that to create a menu and then separate the menu from the content pages. I did this on my morning breakfast break. After I had finished my breakfast. So it took me about fifteen minutes. I am sure you can see why I love Soupault

I had not mentioned that I am using TailwindCSS for the design. If you were here at all before today, you may remember the original gray look of the site. And now you should see a revamped colorful version. That redesign, including goofing around with different colors to see which I liked best, took about thirty minutes. I'll tell ya, these two tools make creating websites a whole lot easier. I'll let you all know when I start giving mini in person tutorials on how to work both.

I hope everyone has a Happy Valentines Day.

Signing Off For Now,
With Many Kind Regards,
May You Have a Wonderous, Glorious, & Adventurous Day,
Yours Truly, Today, & Always,
Your Uncle Joe.


Hi, I'm Uncle Joe.

Welcome to... My First Announcing Announcement.

"Hi, I'm Uncle Joe. Welcome to McDonald's. will you be using your mobile app today?"

I greet, many wonderful people with this greeting, hundreds of times each day. I've probably at this point, used this greeting, tens of thousands of times. And, I am laying Dollars to Krispy Kreme Donuts, that's likely how I met you, my fellow adventurer. And I am quite glad for it. Thanks to McDonald's, You and I, get to experience a wonderful adventure together, on the daily.

I've been told, a few times or more, by many of you adventurers, that you like my demeanor, in the Drive Thru and the lobby. As much as you appreciate me, I appreciate you. Some of you, have filled out surveys, letting the higher ups know, your desire, for me, to keep on, keeping on. And so I am. Thank you for that, I'm ever grateful for your kind words.

Having been noticed by the higher ups, I've been asked, to take on the task, of handling any of the comments or concerns, that you, my fellow adventurers may have. So, it is with great joy, that I announce, my announcing announcement, of a section of this website, dedicated to you, and that very purpose. If you have any comments or concerns about My McDonalds, just head over to https://hiimunclejoe.com/unclejoes-mcdonalds/comments-or-concerns/ for details on how to contact me directly.

Right now that section, like the rest of this website, is in the development stages. Eventually, I should have a form that you can fill out online, to voice your comments or concerns. Soon, I will have a hotline, that you can call and directly reach me on the phone. In the meantime, we're going to use good olde fashioned modern email. My email address is unclejoe@hiimunclejoe.com

I wish to thank each and every one of you, my fellow adventurers, for this new opportunity for us all to adventure together. Email me, let me know you think of us and how we can improve.

Signing Off For Now,
With Many Kind Regards,
May You Have a Wonderous, Glorious, & Adventurous Day,
Yours Truly, Today, & Always,
Your Uncle Joe.


Hi, I'm Uncle Joe.

Welcome to... My First Update.

So last week, when I released the site, it was an entirely hand crafted single HTML file, along with its companion CSS file. That was sufficient to get me going. Of course, it is preferrable to have a CMS in order to ease the burden.

For my CMS, I chose the most Wonderous, Glorious, & Adventurous CMS on the entire oblate spheroid of the flat earth, Soupault . To quote its creator;

"Soupault is not like other static site generators — it works on the HTML element tree level. Most SSGs treat HTML as an opaque format that can be generated with templates but cannot be read or manipulated. Soupault treats HTML as a first-class format and that enables many use cases and features that are impossible for other SSGs."

As a side note, the creator's comments do not apply just to static websites. Converting a website design to Static CMSes like Hugo or Dynamic CMSes like Wordpress , requires hours of arduous, unfun, unadventurous, torturous, soul stealing, mind numbing, boring drudgery. In other words, you know, the exact opposite of the entire point of this website.

So I am going to translate that for you into Uncle Joesian.

  • First, it took me all of about ten minutes to convert my HTML to a Soupault CMS site, rather than hours or days.
  • Second, I experienced zero of the frustration that is usually accompanied with such a conversion.
  • Lastly and most importantly, it was a fun adventure.

If you don't know what any of that means, don't worry. It's all technojargon to make me seem smarter than I are. Eventually, I'll take any of you that want, down the rabbit hole adventure of web design. For now, trust me, though little has outwardly changed, behind the scenes, my adventure here, just got a little bit easier to manage.

Signing Off For Now,
With Many Kind Regards,
May You Have a Wonderous, Glorious, & Adventurous Day,
Yours Truly, Today, & Always,
Your Uncle Joe.


Hi, I'm Uncle Joe.

Welcome to Muh, uh, ... my adventures. And yours.

Almost got ahead of myself there. This, is Uncle Joe's Adventurers' Club. It's kind of like an old school fan club, with the twist, that I am your fan. Because I am. Maybe I'm even your greatest fan. In my world, you, are a celebrity. In other words, this is no ordinary fan club. This is a Fan Clubbery. Not, to be confused with a Fan Shwubbery .

I've got all sorts of neato, adventure ideas in the works, that you might enjoy. How about joining me at a Language Swap Meet, where native speakers trade their languages with each other? Maybe, you would like sitting down with me for an in person podcast entitled 'Saturday Morning Bagels with Clay and Uncle Joe'? On the other hand, how would you like to be the guest of honor, at a 1970s style variety show?

Of course, let's not forget about all the neato things that we had in the old school fan clubs. Should we have our own decoder rings? If the answer is yes, how do I even make decoder rings? Sherry, we should have a monthly newsletter? Just ask Aunt Sherry, she tells me all the time, don't call her Aunt Shirley . Mostly on account'a her name isn't Shirley, it's Sherry. How about a monthly letter from Uncle Joe, mailed directly to your real mail box? Obviously, a membership card for your wallet is a must. I mean obviously, right?

As you can see, I've got quite a few ideas brewing in this coffee pot, that scientists mistakenly call -- my brain. But I'm not ready just yet. I've got a little bit, of a lot of work to do. Plus, I'm interested in what adventures you would like to experience with me.

So, I'll be creating a form that you can download, print out, fill in, and hand in, directly to me, live and in person. Doesn't that sound like a whole lotta fun? Of course it does! I promise you, that I will link that here as soon as I am ready with it.

In the meantime, I look forward to seeing each and every one of you, my Nieces and Nephews, at my usual venue. You know the place.

Signing Off For Now,
With Many Kind Regards,
May You Have a Wonderous, Glorious, & Adventurous Day,
Yours Truly, Today, & Always,
Your Uncle Joe.