Uncle Joe's
Welcome to McDonald's. Will you be using your mobile app today?
I greet, many wonderful people with this greeting, hundreds of times each day. I've probably at this point, used this greeting, tens of thousands of times. And, I am laying Dollars to Krispy Kreme Donuts, that's likely how I met you, my fellow adventurer. And I am quite glad for it. Thanks to McDonald's, You and I, get to experience a wonderful adventure together, on the daily. This section of Uncle Joe's Adventurers' Club, is all about making those experiences better for all of us.
Periodically, I'll make Announcements that might be of interest to you.
You can reach out directly to me if you have Comments or Concerns about a recent experience at My McDonald's.
Would you like to save some money? Then Deal Hacks is the place to go next.
Would you like to let my bosses and McDonald's Corporate know that you like my service and style? Then just go ahead and Give Me a Review.
I'm not a one man show. I have an entire team that makes my job possible. Would you like to meet some of the Staff that I work with?
Perhaps you want to know why I am always asking, Will You Be Using Your Mobile App?
So I am supposed to have a wrapping up paragraph here, but to be honest, I worked all week, and I am beat. My brain is kinda fading. Yall don't mind if I just end it here and we all pretend I wrote something profound do you? Yay!
Signing Off For Now,
With Many Kind Regards,
May You Have a Wonderous, Glorious, &
Adventurous Day,
Yours Truly, Today, & Always,
Your Uncle Joe.