Uncle Joe's
Comments or Concerns

Hi, I'm Uncle Joe.

Welcome to Comments or Concerns.

I want your experience at our McDonalds to be always wonderous, glorious and adventurous. Sometimes however, things go awry. If you ever have an untowards experience at My McDonald's I'd like you to reach out to me, so that I can solve it, lickity split.

Right now this section, like the rest of this website, is in the development stages. Eventually, I should have a form that you can fill out online, to voice your comments or concerns. Soon, I will have a hotline, that you can call and directly reach me on the phone. In the meantime, we're going to use good olde fashioned modern email. My email address is unclejoe@hiimunclejoe.com. I assure you, that if you email, you will get a prompt response from me directly.

Of course if you have good comments, it would be lovely to hear them also. And of course, I will always be delighted if you Give Me a Review so that my bosses know when you are pleased with my style and service.

Signing Off For Now,
With Many Kind Regards,
May You Have a Wonderous, Glorious, & Adventurous Day,
Yours Truly, Today, & Always,
Your Uncle Joe.